Mens Yoga Classes Wicklow

He didn’t trip. . . It’s Yoga For Men. Yoga Classes are for men too, in Wicklow Town.

Yoga For Men

Wicklow Yoga would like to welcome all men to their yoga classes. Take a look at our timetable. Our yoga studio is based on South Quay in Wicklow Town.

Yoga has become more popular over the last few years with men, with increased coverage in the media and in particular in the sports arena. This is because (as we alluded to in our last, slightly tongue in cheek, post about yoga for men), yoga has become increasingly accepted as a perfect cross training exercise that can really benefit people who partake in all manner of sports.

Yoga can help reduce the likelihood of picking up an injury in sports by helping to make the body more robust overall. Increased flexibility and core strength are just the physical benefits of yoga for men. Take a largely mental sport like golf; there has been a dramatic increase in the number of golfers who are taking up yoga for both its mental benefits and its physical ones. Runners, Footballers and Hurlers, Surfers and Climbers can all benefit hugely by adding yoga into their training programme.

Of course, you don’t have to be sporty and fit guy to start yoga. Yoga is a great way to get fit in its own right, improving blood flow, flexibility and strength.  If you have spent the last few years eating burgers, swilling beer and plonking yourself in front of the TV it is a bit daunting to join a gym or go out running when you are really out of shape.  Yoga is not always easy, but the exercises are less competitive and you will be too busy with your own poses to notice you.

Us men tend to be less flexible than women in general.  Any type of training we do tends to make us less flexible (like weights).  Of course not training also makes us less flexible.  Yoga can keep you flexible and lithe into your old age.  No zimmer-frame for you my friend!

Yoga is a great way for men and women to begin to get fit, and to stay fit and able.  Try out a series of classes and you’ll soon see why!

Ring Claire on 085 160 3958 or email: for more information.  You can book your first yoga class with us online.